17-12-20 02:54 PM
Is there a way in which we can store and update the Data Items present in BP across sessions? its more like an environment variable but to which we can make updates too.
This will help us in storing variables across sessions like flags, data which requires the value from the other session run that currently has to be stored in externally like in excel, notepads, etc.
Manish Rawat
Project Manager
New Delhi
04-05-23 09:12 AM
Yes, it can be achieved easily by utilizing Environment locks's comment as global variable. Whenever we acquire or query for lock, the comments can be viewed can used across multiple sessions without need of external file.
Another way is to use Work Item in Queue, Every new session can lock the work item and update the fields and unlock for another session.
04-05-23 06:10 PM
Hi @Manish Rawat ,
After going through a series of suggestions which are sound and interesting to catch, I wish showing my card as well, as we know we can update a value in a credential we can make use of this route by allowing the first bot setting up the value for the succeeding bots which can make use of the updated value and may be at the end of the day it can updated back to original value to make a fresh start the next day. If you think of hardcoding the check is not a good practice that can also be configurable if you make use of a configuration file. This way there's no latency all the bots can read and write the credential provided a proper access and proper care taken to avoid the above discussed challenges.
Hope this fits for your requirement.
Babjee Vangipurapu
Senior RPA Developer
05-05-23 04:01 PM
Hi Manish Rawat,
Just to add - SQL Tables are also helpful but it has their own tradeoff's As you higlighted need to explicitly perform environment locking.