We have certain business objects which has been originally made with 6.x -version and they are performing just fine in 7.0.1. environment.
We started to deploy 7.1.0 Blue prism update, but we encountered following issue: After a database update, handful of objects is returning error "Invalid object". We have checked following:
- Object is not retired or deleted
- Actions are published
- Object has not been moved or renamed
- Object is not restricted.

We have re-generated this issue in different scenarios:
- Creating SQLExpress DB (Blue Prism version 7.0.1.) and importing our objects & Processes. After updating DB to correspond 7.1.0 -> Objects are missing
- Copying our Azure SQL DB. Updating DB to 7.1.0 -> Objects are missing. (Tried this with SQL Script and by using "Update Database" button from Blueprism UI. We are performing the DB update with admin privileges.
When making "Save As" to the object. New object can be found. When process is linked to use the new named business object and it is saved and closed. The process does not find the actions anymore. Claiming "invalid object".
The funny things is that object is visible from Studio and it can be modified.
The funniest thing is that certain process is using 6 times that business object. However, only 2 errors are mentioned in errors -section:

Any help to overcome this issue will be highly appreciated! - We have no intention to regenerate all the missing business objects...
Mikko Rahikainen
RPA Manager