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Decipher server service failure

Level 3
Hi everyone 

I have installed Decipher on blue prism 7 SQL database and decipher server service stop on its own every minute while I am working on it till I start it from services, did anyone know how to solve this issue.

I have another issue that the batches stuck in classify status and when it works one for every 10 batches and I submit it I cannot get it. I try to use "Get Next Completed batch" but always get the "Available batch - false.

George Ibram

Hi George,

I've responded to your server issue on your other thread, so we can discuss your other issue separately here.

So I'm assuming you have configure Decipher to auto skip the classification stage, but some are being held for manual verification. What is the confidence level for each of these batches? And have you configured your Batch Type to hold a portion of batches for QA?


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons Senior Product Specialist - Decipher SS&C Blue Prism UK based

Hello Ben,

Batches stuck problem is automatically solved when the server stopping issue is solved.
I have now two different issues:
1)  when I submit the batches after data verification nothing is received by the 'Decipher - 03 Get Verified Documents' process  (Available batch = false)
note that: rabbitMq and decipher services is running  - I restarted decipher from IIS - I run DecipherServerConfigurator and apply it 

2) I have 10 fields here 8 of them is learned by decipher, how I can make it learn the other 2 fields H/S and ACC NO to automate data verification


3) how to know the confidence level of the batches

George Ibram

Hi George,

1) Are you using the templated processes to push documents and retrieve the data? Are you using the connection actions before each task? Are you connecting to the same RabbitMQ queue? Can you see the documents pending in the queue in RabbitMQ?

2) That's very difficult to say without seeing the document or the DFD. The main method would be to use sample headers.

3) There is a report on the history of the batches which displays the confidence for each batch. Though it may not be available if you've opted to encrypt your database. There's an update due in the next version to make it available to all configurations.


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons Senior Product Specialist - Decipher SS&C Blue Prism UK based

Hi Ben,

1) yes I am using the templated processes to push documents and retrieve the data and using the connection actions before each task and connecting to the same RabbitMQ queue and no pending items and nothing received from decipher ( It doesn't work not even once)

George Ibram

Hi George,

I can only think that perhaps the RabbitMQ configuration is in some way incorrect in Decipher. You can double check by uninstalling the Decipher Server component and reinstalling it.

If it's still not working, I'd recommend raising a support ticket so we can investigate in more detail.


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons Senior Product Specialist - Decipher SS&C Blue Prism UK based