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Difference between _debug vs only?

Level 5
What is the difference between _debug vs only in the BPAResource table in BP DB? The reason I'm looking into this is we are trying to monitor the statuses of the resources by looking into the statuses of the resources in the said table. Thanks!

PC12345_debug means the machine was running in Process/Object Studio

Level 5
Thanks Jonh! However, looks like the values from this table is not updated in real-time. ie. this does not reflect the current status of the resource. Any idea on how we can monitor the robot effectively? We wanted to be notified immediately when resources are not ready to execute a scheduled process (if it's not already running one). I've read somewhere of using other tools such as Splunk to monitor windows event logs? Any other options as we don't have splunk. Thanks! rang1

You probably don't want the BPAResource table, the BPASession table is the main record of resources running processes - effectively this is what you see in the lower half of control room. But if a resource is busy when a schedule starts, the schedule will fail (assuming we're not talking about background processes), so maybe you could use the 'On Exception' task to run a process that sends a notification?

Level 5
Hi John, I'm talking about monitoring at the resource level. BPASession would be helpful if the resource is running something. But how would I know if it's not running anything and just ready to accept work. Basically, I want to monitor the top right section of the control room - Available Resources. Thanks! rang1

Level 5
I'm currently experimenting with ping/telnet commands. However, they return same response when in login agent mode and actual live resource mode waiting for a process to be executed.

Level 4
Run SQL query from Blue Prism using SQL server VBO, Action: Data SqlServer; function: get csv  Query: ""select resourceid, name from BPAResource where status= 'ready'"" and compare the result set with your resource id; if it founds then it means that resource is ready to run process.

Level 5
Hi Syed, the values from BPAResource is not updated in real-time. ie. this does not reflect the current status of the resource. 

Level 4
Hi Rang1, the three fields of BPAResource unitsallocated, actionsrunning and processesrunning provide some simple real-time statistics on the current workload of the resource unit.

Level 5
Hi Syed, I think you're right. Looks like I can use BPAResource.