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Drag and drop on chrome.

Level 2

I'm trying to drag and drop and UI element using chrome ,spied the element using UIA and got "UIA X" and "UIA Y" to use them as x/y coordinates for dragging and moving. Looks like these are not correct coordinates.
Can somebody help with on how to get x and y coordinates for drag and drop.

Anjani S
RPA developer

Level 14
The UIA X and UIA Y are from the top left of the screen, and the Drag/Drop actions are expecting X/Y values from the top left of the specific window. I imagine if you were to maximize the window, it might work to use UIA X/UIA Y, but it might be slightly off. If you can use Browser mode to get the coordinates, I might would try that. The Web X and Web Y values should be much closer to (if not exactly) what you want.

I honestly don't think I've ever used Drag & Drop for anything other than simulating the mouse hover action in the past, so I don't have much experience with issues regarding X/Y for that action. Let me know if this doesn't help, and I can do some testing to see if I can find a reliable way to use it.

Dave Morris
Cano Ai
Atlanta, GA

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

Hey Anjani,

Using XY coordinates in automation its not that much trustworthy as if resolution get changed or application is not maximized it wont work.

Could you please let us know what is the issue so we can suggest you other option.


Nilesh Jadhav
Senior RPA Specialist
Nilesh Jadhav.

Hi Dave,

I have an use case in a website opened in chrome(Browser Mode) I need to drag and drop a file from a directory tree like structure to some other directory location (say 5 different folders) based on the user input.

Any lead on Drag and Drop without using the co-ordinates. Because the coordinates method is not reliable every time.

Thanks in Advance!

Krish V

Note that I'm not referring to using hard-coded coordinates. It's important to retrieve the X and Y values at runtime. And as Nilesh mentioned, it's important to have the app maximized as well. In general, what it sounds like you're trying to do is not one of Blue Prism's strong points. It can do a lot of things and what you're going for might be possible, but you should expect to have some serious knowledge of Blue Prism and doing things like this already. I don't mean to suggest you don't have that capability; but if this is the first time you're attempting something like this, I would get the most experienced developer you can find to help you troubleshoot and come up with ideas on a call with screensharing.

My original suggestion still stands though, I think, and that is to use whatever spy modes and elements you need to in order to identify the X and Y coordinates on the screen of the elements that you need to work with, and then try Drag and Drop with those coordinates. I just don't see this working any other way with the features I'm aware of in Blue Prism. I think it'd be a great enhancement request as well if you can figure out the scope of changes required in Blue Prism. I haven't found very many business processes that require drag and drop personally so I'd probably be tearing my hair out if I were in your position. =)

Dave Morris
Cano Ai
Atlanta, GA

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

@Anjani S An easy way of dragging and dropping an element is using the region mode.
Spy the element using region mode, and use the "Start Drag" and "Drop onto" Action in the Navigate stage. 

Vipul Tiwari
Senior Process Simplification and Optimization Designer(Solutions Architect)
Fidelity International
------------------------------ Vipul Tiwari Senior Process Simplification Developer Amazon ------------------------------

UIA mode or Region Mode is not consistent. The X Y coordinates are not stable. 

Is there anyone who could assist in using python or js scripting for this?

Sahana Mohan
Solution Designer
Sahana Mohan Lead Software Engineer SS&C Blue Prism