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Edit > All Stages > Enable logging - doable via command prompt / AutomateC

Level 3


To enable logs for all stages for a process can be done via Menu : Edit > All Stages > Enable logging.

Is it possible to do the same for a porcess, via command prompt using AutomateC.exe?

like  ... AutomateC.exe /ProcessName /enablelogs


I don't know it's possible to do it through AutomateC, but I know it's possible to do it from the Pool you can select  and do All Stages > Enable logging.
You could give this idea in our idea session.
Sr Cons at Avanade Brazil

Hi Nagappan,

This is not currently an available option using the Automate.exe nor the AutomateC.exe command-line utilities. A list of the currently-available commands and switches can be found in this Online Help topic here.

If you'd like to see the addition of this type of command to the available commands for these utilities considered for inclusion in a future Blue Prism release, I would suggest you submit this idea to our Product team via our Ideas Portal.

Level 3

Thanks a lot for your response.

On the same issue, i have a follow up question/clarification.

Can we change *anything in the release file / package file (.bprelease) which contains all the processes, so that ,enable log -all stages' are set for processes contained in that package?

*any xml attribute, value, etc

Expectation : Once .bprelease file is modifed and on importing, the logs for all stages are enabled for all/modifed processes.

I'm not sure I got it right, but I believe you're asking if you configure your processes with logging enabled, and create a release, they'll keep this setting when imported into no new Environment, this is it?
Sr Cons at Avanade Brazil

Level 3
We (Test Team) receive the release (.bprelease file) from development team , the release got many processes logs disabled.

We import the .bprelease in to our test environment, open each process, enable logs for all stages , save the process , carry out the test activities. (logs vital to carry out testing).

It is possible to edit the the .bprelease file in a text editor and change attributes.

Wish to know is there any specific *attribute for a process that can be changed , so that the logs are enabled for all stages / process.

The idea is to run a script on .bprelease file to modify that attribute , so that when .bprelease file is imported after the modification, logs ,enabled for all stages' is done for all processes.

Hi Nagappan,

Thank you for clarifying the process in which you receive these .bprelease files from your developers and the requirements you have to enable logging for testing purposes. In the situation you describe, we wouldn't recommend directly altering the XML of these files (i.e. in a text editor) to adjust logging levels as this could lead to other issues. 

Instead, you could override the logging level of the Resource which will be running these Processes in your testing environment. For more information on this feature, please see these KB articles:

As a best-practice when these Processes reach your eventual Production environment, we don't recommend utilizing logging levels beyond "errors only" as this could lead to large volumes of logs in your Production database and in turn have performance implications. Please review these KB articles about this for more information:

If you would like to request AutomateC.exe functionality be extended to allow altering the logging levels of Processes/Objects as you describe, I would encourage you to submit this as an Enhancement Request to our Product team via our Ideas Portal.