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Excel confidential settings with VBO ?

Level 6

I have a small problem with Microsoft Excel. I have an excel file in my process which I generate with SAP.

When the bot opens the file, our office environment requires me to select an excel file confidentiality level before I'm able to work with that excel file. Unfortunately spying that button and clicking the confidentially level is a little bit problematic and does not work every time.

Is it possible to set this confidentiality level with a visual basic code stage ? 

Unfortunately I only have a german screenshot of the thing;


When I click the button I get a new pop up window:


And I have to pick a confidentiality level (open, internal and confidential). If I could set this with a code stage that would help me a lot since the window eleements of excel can somehow not always be spied properly.


Level 4
Hi Macro,

Can you try modifying settings as mentioned as per below link:

Level 6
That is actually prohibited from my company. As an employee I have to follow the orders, that's why I'm looking for a solution to automatically set sensitivity level with the Excel VBO.

Hi @MarcoMatuttis1,

We're seeing more and more people looking for solutions around Microsoft's Information Protection labeling. Unfortunately, when they laid out this technology they didn't seem to give a whole lot of thought to how it might be leveraged from programs as much as humans. With that said, there are a few options.

  1. There's a new asset on the DX. This is a release candidate, so you'll likely have to request access to it via the asset page. This asset is designed to allow you to apply Microsoft Purview Information Protection labels to supported file types. In this case, you'd probably want to apply the necessary label first, and then try opening the spreadsheet to work with it. You can find that asset here.
  2. Alternatively, there is a Powershell script (Set-AIPFileLevel) that can be used to apply an IP label to files. You can read more about it here. The general format of the script is:
Set-AIPFileLabel -Path "C:\MySecretSquirrelSpreadsheet.xlsx" -LabelId "--YOUR LABEL ID--"

Level 4
Instead spy, Another way you can try is using global send keys Alt+F, Y1, down keys. I dont think so we can do with code stage for setting sensitivity