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Exporting Queue and Item Logs out of blue prism using DataGateways

Level 7
Hi Team,

Is there a way in Blue Prism using Data Gateway, which can export Work Queue and Item Logs for a particular Work Queue(s) outside of blue prism?

Manish Rawat
Project Manager
New Delhi

Hi Manish - yes and no, I'll try to explain:

You're probably aware that DG is based on Logstash, which in very simplistic terms is a technology for moving data. Logstash has a very wide range of capabilities for moving data between different sources and destinations, as well as many options for transforming the data it moves too. So could DG move data from tables in the BP database? In theory yes, because this is what Logstash is designed to do.

However, you've probably also seen that DG only takes data from one table, BPADataPipelineInput. When you enable DG, BP fills this table with the type of data you have chosen, eg session logs, and the DG service  'consumes' the data by removing it and pushing on towards the configured destination. Currently BP offers 4 types of data that can be pushed to DG (session logs, dashboards, queue snapshots and the custom DG VBO) but queue item data is not one of them.

So 'out of the box' DG cannot do what you want but, because it's Logstash underneath, it does have the capability to do more than read from just the BPADataPipelineInput table. However, this would require you to create and take responsibility for a 'non-standard' configuration of DG, and most importantly, you'd need to be certain that this would not have a negative impact on the performance of your BP database. Remember that DG is a continually running service, and although you can control the frequency with which it queries a data source, you have to be very careful not to inadvertently impact your digital workforce.

So in summary, I guess what I'm saying is yes there is a way, but it may be safer not to try. That being said, perhaps it would be worth discussing the subject with your BP representative to see if we can help you with your data requirements. DG isn't the only option for getting at the data.

John Carter
Professional Services
Blue Prism