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Extract The Data From Particular Formate

Level 4
I Have Getting Output As Dynamic Formate Sometime  164 Km . About 2 days 3 hours
                                                                            Sometime  12000 Km . About 23 hours 25 mins
                                                                            Sometime  1778 Km . About 1 day 1 hour     

Depending Apoun Output I want Output  As separate Formate
                                                           Km=164 , days=2 , hours=3
                                                           Km=12000, hours=23 , mins=25                          
                                                           Km= 1778 ,   day=1,  hour=1

Chetan Ninghot

Level 9
HI @Chetan Ninghot,

1) Use "Split text" action of "Utility Strings" to split on the basis of keyword "Sometime"
2) This split will give you data in tabular form of 3 different rows.
3) Now create a logic to get the value of Km, day and hour value using string manipulation techniques i.e. using Mid function, Instr funtion etc.

Please let me know if you are facing challenges in building up the logic and I can help you with that.​

Ritansh Jatwani
*If you find this post helpful mark it as best answer

Ritansh Jatwani
 thank you for your Response
 as per Question my output varries

- 164 Km . About 2 days 3 hours     ............................... first time i got this output

- 12000 Km . About 23 hours 25 mins   .........................second time i got this output
-1778 Km . About 1 day 1 hour      ...................................Third time i got this output

may formate of output Change
Km , days ,hour 
km, hours, mins
km, day , hour

like That but in Utitlity -split text not Work For That it required Input "Slit Char" in Delimetre but my Formate Chage Every Time How it 
separted Each Value

Chetan Ninghot

HI @Chetan Ninghot,

Are there any other possible combinations which can come apart from Days hours and hour min combination?​

Manpreet Kaur
*If you find this post helpful mark it as Best Answer

Manpreet Kaur

my Output Is  164 Km . About 2 days 3 hours
and it Possibility Combination Is
Km , days ,hour 
km, day, hour
km, hours,mins 

Chetan Ninghot

Hi, Chetan,

how about using Utility - Regex? 
\d* Km
\d* days
\d* hours
\d* mins



Zdeněk Kabátek
Head of Professional Services

Hi @Zdeněk Kabátek ,

I'm currently learning the scope of Regex pattern matching.
In this particular case I have a doubt. The input text value seems to be dynamic. It says 'day' for 1 day and 'days' for any value greater than or equal to 2.
Please let me know how to provide​ the Regex pattern in this case. 
Also, please confirm if the action we need to use for this purpose is what I have mentioned in the screenshot below:
Thanks & Regards​

Arun K J
Consultant - Automation Developer
WonderBotz India Pvt. Ltd.

Hi @ArunK_J

For the days part, you can use the following regex: '\d* day+s*'


From the test above, you can see that both day and days can be included if you use the above expression.

The working is simple:

\d* says that any number can appear 0 or more times
day+ says that the keyword 'day' must appear at least once in this expression
s* says that the word s can appear 0 or more times as it is optional in nature

Hope it helps you out and if my solution resolves your query, then please mark it as the 'Best Answer' so that the others members in the community having similar problem statement can track the answer easily in future

Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Process Automation Consultant | Sr. Consultant - Automation Developer,
WonderBotz India Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified Professional

Hope this helps you out and if so, please mark the current thread as the 'Answer', so others can refer to the same for reference in future.
Devneet Mohanty,
SS&C Blueprism Community MVP 2024,
Automation Architect,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.