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Extract values from Collection Field

Level 5

Dear Community

I want to extract below information from a Collection field, which I got via APIRest Call. This information is incl. in a HTML code, because this is a Message, which incl. Pictures and hyperlinks.

Requestor (line manager):
Requestor (line manager) ID:
Impacted employee:
Impacted employee ID:
Required action: 
Document type:
Reason of issue: At request of customer
Letter language: German

Examle (shorted):

"fdgargtasdgwergtre4tgdgrgergdfgdfgdfgfgdfgdfgdfgfgdfgfgf<br />Requestor (line manager): Name Surname<br />Requestor (line manager) ID: 12345678<br />Impacted employee: Name Surname<br />Impacted employee ID: 132346697<br />Required action: Reference must be prepared<br />Document type: DocumentTitle<br />Reason of issue: At request of employee<br />Letter language: German<br />fdgargtasdgwergtre4tgdgrgergdfgdfgdfgfgdfgdfgdfgfgdfgfgf<br /><br /><br />"

I tried to use the VBO Utility - Regrex, but everything, which I tried and found in the Internet failed.

Thanks for help.


Blue Prsim Version: 6.10

Andre Köpplin
RPA Project Manager


Hi Andre Köpplin, Please refer below steps to solve your query -

  1. Use Utility String - Retrieve Regex Match : "Requestor \(line manager\):\s*([A-Za-z]+\s[A-Za-z]+)\s*(?:<br\s*\/?>\s*|,)\s*Requestor \(line manager\) ID:\s*(\d+)\s*(?:<br\s*\/?>\s*|,)\s*Impacted employee:\s*([A-Za-z]+\s[A-Za-z]+)\s*(?:<br\s*\/?>\s*|,)\s*Impacted employee ID:\s*(\d+)\s*(?:<br\s*\/?>\s*|,)\s*Required action:\s*(.*?)\s*(?:<br\s*\/?>\s*|,)\s*Document type:\s*([A-Za-z]+)\s*(?:<br\s*\/?>\s*|,)\s*Reason of issue:\s*At request of employee\s*(?:<br\s*\/?>\s*|,)\s*Letter language:\s*([A-Za-z]+)"   29510.png
  2. Replace Breaks with Comma to make it CSV like Structure29511.png
  3. Call Action Get CSV as Collection and Set Output Collection:29512.png
  4. Output :29513.png29514.png

Let me know if you find any difficulties implementing this - You can play around with output collection to set data as per your choice in any defined collection.

Kindly up vote this as "Best Answer" if it adds value or resolves your query in anyway possible, happy to help.


Mukesh Kumar - Senior Automation Developer

NHS England, United Kingdom, GB


Mukesh Kumar

Thanks a lot Mukesh

I am wondering, I can't find the Action "Retrieve Regex Match" in my VBO Utility Strings . Do you have any download link from Blue Prism DX Community?

Andre Köpplin
RPA Project Manager

Level 7

Hi @AndreKöpplin 

Other option as to do as well with Utility - Strings ( Extract Regex Values) 

[\<br\s\/>]+[Requestor\(line manager\)\s]+:(?<RequestorName>[\w\s]+)[\<br\s\/>]+Requestor \(line manager\)\sID:(?<RequestorID>.*)\<br \/>Impacted employee:(?<ImpactedEmployee>.*)\<br \/>Impacted employee ID:(?<ImpactedEmployeeID>.*)\<br \/>Required action:(?<RequiredAction>.*)\<br \/>Document type:(?<DocumentType>.*)\<br \/>Reason of issue:(?<ReasonofIssue>.*)\<br \/>Letter language:(?<Letterlanguage>[\w\s]+)\<br \/>

Build one collection with the group names as below


Output will as this



Note - Group names should not contain spaces

Hope this will help


Lakshmi Narayana

for latest VBO you can find in DX portal Blue Prism Digital Exchange


Lakshmi Narayana

Hello Lakshmi 

Thanks a lot, with your help, I found my issues in the Regex Patern and I got my data from the HTML Text.

Thanks a lot also to Mukesh, I see, I have to update our Utilities.

Andre Köpplin
RPA Project Manager