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Facing issue with Get Verified Document process

Level 5


I am also facing same issue. completed batches in Decipher but when I run process 3 Get Verified Document, I am neither getting Batch ID nor Documents. And also Flag 'Batch Available' returns False. Need help to resolve why it's happening. My QueueSuffix name is same as what i used while pushing the batch. But when I verify and submit manually in Decipher after that when I run Decipher - 03 Get Verified Document process then giving data in Document data collection. 

Please Some body can give solution on .

Decipher – 01 Push Document


Decipher – 03 Get Verified Document



Pralay Das


Hi Pralay,

I suspect there's an issue with the Export plugin pushing your completed batches to RabbitMQ.

Firstly I would open the RabbitMQ management tool, go to queues and check the queue exists and if there are any messages. The default host is http://localhost:15672/ and the login is guest/guest unless this has been changed by the admin.

When you push a batch to Decipher, the RabbitMQ queue name specified will be auto-created if it doesn't already exist. So I expect the queue exists, but is currently empty.


If this is the case, try uninstalling the Decipher Server Plugin and reinstalling it.

Let me know how you get on.


Ben Lyons
Senior Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Hi Ben,

After Push document I can see below for RabitMQ in Queue,


Once I click in 

Queue BluePrism.DocumentProcessing.BatchIdQueue_DecipherRabbitMQqueue

Can See bellow Screen and when I click in get message it is showing empty.



Can ypu please suggest any solution



Pralay Das

Hi Pralay,

Have you tried reinstalling the server plugin as I suggested above?


Ben Lyons
Senior Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Hi Ben,

Not yet because I am fearing to reinstall as not familiar in this RabitMQ installation. If any changes or need any setting problem it ma be issue That's why I have not done. But one thing when I manually submit batch after verify in Decipher there is message giving with Batch ID.



Pralay Das

Hi Pralay,

The Decipher Server Plugin is a simple component responsible for passing the export message from Decipher to RabbitMQ. It sits there listening for a message to say a batch is complete, at which point it contacts the Decipher Server for the Batch Id and the list of Document Id's. Then it uses the RabbitMQ queue name stored in the Batch Metadata to put a new message in the respective queue.

So if you're having trouble with messages getting into RabbitMQ, this is the first place to check.

It has no configuration during the installation, so it's very simple to uninstall and reinstall.

The alternative would be to raise a support ticket so we can investigate in further detail.


Ben Lyons
Senior Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Hi Ben,

Do you mean to say that whole decipher need to uninstall and reinstall or only Decipher plugin need to uninstall and again reinstall? in this case is which Decipher plugin need to reinstall ? any for this  or I need to reinstall whole decipher? Can you please share any step by step instructions document so it will be help me to do. 

Thanks for your help on this.



Pralay Das

Hi Pralay,

Just the Decipher Server Plugin component, it's the last part of the installation.



Go to Add/Remove programs and remove that one. Then re-run the installer. It should automatically restart the services.


Ben Lyons
Senior Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Thank you Ben , I will do it.


Pralay Das

Hi Ben,

I have below item installed. Can I reinstall red cercle Decipher server plugin right 




Pralay Das