Level 5
since ‎03-08-23

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Hi,  I am new in Blue Prism. My requirement is I need to send or reply email with attachment. I am using MS Outlook VBO and action is "Send Email" but email is not sending from Outlook. can any one help me on this. Given below is the flow. Is there a...
Hi,  I have multiple Power Points slides in different different folder and my requirement is how to copy Power Point slide from different folder and Past it in One power Point presentation. Can you please help me how to achieve. Thanks & Regards, Pra...
Hi, I am also facing same issue. completed batches in Decipher but when I run process 3 Get Verified Document, I am neither getting Batch ID nor Documents. And also Flag 'Batch Available' returns False. Need help to resolve why it's happening. My Que...