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Get Messages from SQL database server to Blueprism

Level 5
​Hi Blueprism team

Can you get Messages from the sql server you are connected to after running a sql script to Blueprism using VBA script.?

se attached file for more information.

Kristian Holm
RPA programmer
PenSam (Pension Company)
Copenhagen Denmark
Kristian Holm RPA programmer PenSam (Pension Company) Copenhagen Denmark

Level 14
What are you looking to achieve by getting those messages? Usually it just says the number of rows affected, which you can calculate yourself. If it's a SELECT statement, then you can count the # of rows returned. If it's an UPDATE statement, you can just run a SELECT statement before hand with the same WHERE clause or w/e in order to determine how many rows will be affected and then run the UPDATE. In any case, I feel like those are SSMS-specific messages that it separately calculates. When you execute a SQL Server query, I imagine SSMS messages wouldn't be involved at all.​

Dave Morris
Cano Ai
Atlanta, GA
Dave Morris 3Ci at Southern Company Atlanta, GA

To add to Dave's answer, there should be a Get Records Affected page within the Data - SQL Server object that will execute a statement and return the number rows it affected.

Nicholas Zejdlik
RPA Developer

Hi RPA Guy ​I am trying to create a robot there is checking sql server and database to see if everything is ok.
Sending a check to see if Blueprism database is ok

Example dbcc checkdb

then you will get the answer in sql server page messages 
I have no access to the sql database and it would be nice to confirm database is ok before running the robots.

Kristian Holm
RPA programmer
PenSam (Pension Company)
Copenhagen Denmark
Kristian Holm RPA programmer PenSam (Pension Company) Copenhagen Denmark