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Global Send Keys - Windows 10

Level 6
Currently working on updating processes/objects to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10 but have found that the same send key actions are taking about 4 times a long to complete on Win10 vs Win7.
The Blue Prism set up is exactly the same across the environment and I am using the same process/objects as I have access set up for both operating systems.
I do not know what is the cause of this and wanted to know if anyone else had experienced this and if a resolution was found.

James Gregory
RPA Developer

Community Team
Community Team
​Hi @jgregor4 I've linked the thread of a user who had a similar issue here, which may be helpful.

All the best,

Grace Lanser
Community Associate
Blue Prism

Hi Grace,
Thank you for sending me the other post.
 We moved away from UIA to Browser mode send keys as UIA was running extremely slow on IE, Edge, Win 7 and Win 10. 

Are there any known issues for this with Blue Prism and Windows 10?

James Gregory
RPA Developer

Hi James,

could you please specify the following:
- the Blue Prism version you are currently running;
- browser name and version in use;
- what Keys are you sending;
- what is the reason to use Global Send Keys.

Thank you.

Roberto Sciarra

We are using 6.10.5 with MV3 (the newest one). Using MS Edge (2 different versions).
We are using send keys as a number of web applications we work with do not register that data has been entered into a field when using HTML write stages.
Prior to the upgrade we were using HTML write stage then an invoke Java function to get the site to know this has been entered but with the MV changes this was taken out a while ago and replaced with send keys.  It all works fine on Windows 7 but is 3-4 time slower on Windows 10

James Gregory
RPA Developer

Has there been any further investigaton into this? I have quite a lot of elements that are using send keys as browser mode so will be a lot of work to change them over, want to be certain there is no bugs to be fixed before i do this

James Gregory
RPA Developer