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How to use "Recognise Text In Range" with "List Region"

Level 3
Hello everyone, I'm trying to automate a legacy Web application using Surface Automation. On one of the screen, I'm using "List Region" in application modeler and also BP can identify the fonts of the list in it. I need to read every item in List Region. So, in object studio, I'm using "reader" stage and "Recognise text in Range" with parameters; first index, last index, and font. After the execution, the result collection is not having any data. Just blank rows from start index to end index. Though it's not throwing any error like usual SA errors "cannot identify the region as an image" or "image(region) found instead of text". If possible, I also need to know the number of elements in list region. Has anyone tried this in their any of the projects? Need this asap.

The list region has to be very accurately positioned, so that every region sits neatly over the rows in the application. If the first region is slightly awry then the offset can multiply further down the list.

Level 3
Hi @John__Carter. I aligned the list region as accurately as possible but still recognise text in the range is not giving me anything in output collection.

You're putting text into the number inputs, but I doubt that is the problem. I won't be able to solve your problem via the forum but here are some things to check: Have you set the foreground or background colour? Don't set both, you only need one. The default foreground is black (000000). Is the text really the colour you think it is? Sometimes you get dark blues that look black. Is the font correct? Is font smoothing off? Are you blocking the application with your own object studio diagram? Is the region set correctly, in the right position, the right height and width? Maybe get a simple region working first, then once you know the right inputs, try them in a list region.