a month ago
Robots that we are using are not working when running them off login agent. The process does not attach to applications when we running off the scheduler using login agent. this happens on 10% of our robots, where all machine settings and permissions are the same on all machines.
How can I resolute this login agent problem?
a month ago
Are you allowing enough time for the machine to log in and for Windows to settle down, before staring the process - is there any chance the process could be starting too soon?
a month ago
Yes our "Post Completion Delay(secs) = 45 and some RR is 60.
Weird thing is that RRx and RRy is doing the same process but only one of them will run using login agent in the cloud.
a month ago
Maybe try to screenshot the failing RR to see if that yields any clues?
a month ago - last edited a month ago