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Login fields clearing on website

Level 5
Hi all

I am trying to login to a site using bp, but after writing the username and password and using the click action, both the fields get cleared as if nothing is entered. Any ideas as to why this issue is occuring, and how to get past this?


Prajjwal Rai
Application Engineer
Schneider Electric Private Limited

Helpful Answers

The above solutions with the clipboard should work just fine.

Just to note however, the complexity of needing to send shift in the other solutions should only ever apply if you're using "Global Send Key Event". If you just use "Global Send Keys", it should send as-is. So if your data variable value looks something like "Th!s!sN0t@P@55w0rd!", that should have no issues going through. (Side note, please don't use this as an actual password. :P)

Ami Barrett
Lead RPA Software Developer
Solai & Cameron

View answer in original post


Level 3
Sometimes Write stage behaves in that way depending on the website restrictions. Please try Global Send Key or Send Key Events to write the text.​

Johny Jain
IT Solution Engineer
Kimberly Clark

Hi Johny

can you elaborate how I can achieve this? What should I use in order to write to a particular field?

Prajjwal Rai
Application Engineer
Schneider Electric Private Limited

​Hi Prajjwal

You should be able to use Navigate stage on the same text box and using Global Send Keys option set the text by passing that as a parameter. If that doesn't work try Global Send Key Event.

Johny Jain
IT Solution Engineer
Kimberly Clark

Hi Johny
Thanks for your solution, it worked. The thing is I have a list of usernames and corresponding passwords, which are needed for the login. Is there any way to convert them into corresponding global keystrokes dynamically? Please do tell

Prajjwal Rai
Application Engineer
Schneider Electric Private Limited

Global Send Keys will take variables as values to type in. You can make it as dynamic as you want.

Ami Barrett
Lead RPA Software Developer
Solai & Cameron

Hi Ami

Can you please elaborate more on how to implement this?

Prajjwal Rai
Application Engineer
Schneider Electric Private Limited

Build a solution to
1. Take next username and password from the list
2. Put these into separate data items, one for username and one for password
3. Reference these data items in the navigate action input parameter instead of hardcoding the username and password
4. Repeat 1-4 until list is empty


Joakim Eklund
Senior RPA Developer
Swedbank AB

Hi Joakim

The thing is my username is a mail id, so it contains @ character. Also the password is a mix of special character and capital and small, for which SHIFT key is needed. I wanted to know how to implement this?​

Prajjwal Rai
Application Engineer
Schneider Electric Private Limited

Then I think you have to build a solution which first identifies which characters must be formatted correctly then put together the username and password with the correct format as the input parameter. So if there's an uppercase letter and a @ character you would build the string "abc<{SHIFT}D>{SHIFT}ef<{SHIFT}G>{SHIFT}<{RMenu}2>{RMenu}" (this results in abcDefG@) and so on. 


Joakim Eklund
Senior RPA Developer
Swedbank AB