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MAPIEx send mail with other profile

Is it possible to send a mail form a different profile than the one I'm logged in with? I'm getting mail in mailbox A which I want to forward, currently I'm able to forward it with the profile of mailbox A but I was wondering if it is somehow possible to forward mails with Mailbox B which is a profile also available when logged in to profile A?

Level 15
Simply set up a second email profile on your PC and reference the name of that email provile in the mapiex input parameter. Google 'create a new email profile' to find out how to set up a second one.

I want to do it without having to start up a new Outlook windows due to my performance requirements. I want to do it while staying in the same Outlook window in order to save time. The profile is also available there if you for example create a new mail manually, I'm able to tell Outlook which profile to use. I'd need something similar but then code-wise...

Level 15
I am confused because the requirements you describe are exactly what the Mapiex object provides. For the MapieX interface to work Outlook does need to be installed but does not need to be actually running. So, create mulitple profiles in the Control Room Mail dialog, set up the relevent email account you want to use in each profile. Then, just use the MAPIEX interface without having outlook running at all - using the Profile input parameters. If you have any performance issues with mapiex (using one or more profiles) there is an article on the knowedgebase with some tips - I specifically recommend playing around with the cache email setting.

Well the reason I'm running Outlook is because I am yet to find a way to 'Get Mail From ID' while having outlook closed. For some reason, this self-written function does not work all the time when I have no instances of outlook open. If you have been able to pull this off feel free to let me know, I could share the code I have as well if requested. Thanks for info!

Level 15
Hello, That expains my confusion. It is not that I have solved an issue (or ""pulled it off"" - which sounds painful), I've never had an environment where Outlook needed to be open for the Mapiex interface to work (I've been using at multiple clients for many years) - Mapiex has just always worked out of the box 'as is'. This suggests it is something specific to your environment or mail/windows/security settings that is somehow causing this issue. If Mapiex is returning an error message when Outlook at closed, what is it? Have you followed all the advice on the Knowledgebase around using Mapiex (such as ensuring 32bit outlook is installed instead of 64bit etc..) Have you checked that your firewall is not doing some kind of blocking action to prevent the Mapiex interface from working without Outlook open - maybe try temporarily disabling it to see.

I have been able to fix my issues and can now run my entire process without launching outlook. The issue was most likely that the mapi GetContents function takes a bit of time and when I try to list mail(s) right after the process crashes. I had to use a Threading sleep vba function in order to allow the code to rest for a bit before continuing and it actually works now. Thanks for your help Denis!