I am tasked with automating a manual process using the SAP GUI. One step of this process involves navigating a tree-like representation of data to find a specific item.
Unfortunately that tree seems quite opaque to all of the spying modes offered by Blue Prism. By that I mean I can spy the whole control, but no internals.
When spying in SAP mode I can see that the element is identified as a GuiUserArea, which does not offer any useful actions to navigate or read. Apparently such a control is a collection of labels with no fixed structure.
I have attached a hopefully reasonably obfuscated screenshot of how that looks in SAP.
Does anyone have any idea how I can get at that data? I would be happy if I could just get the whole thing as text for instance and then pick through it using regular expressions. I am comfortable writing C# or VBA code stages if that helps.
Thank you for any pointers.