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Out of memory issue and my object is huge with 12 actions and the object is iterated for 200 times.

Level 3
To solve this issue i have enabled memory logs under system manager and we are also invoking code block System.GC.Collect()
But if i split the object and implement Multi-Object Design then out of memory issue be solved?

Any thoughts on Blue prism memory management.

Kiran Pudi

12 actions doesn't sound like a lot, but it depends what's happening on each of those pages. An object is retained in state by the calling process, so even though it's called many times, the definition is loaded only once. So at a guess it doesn't sound like it's the object structure that's the issue, maybe it's more to do with the actual logic built into the pages. maybe you can try to work out where the memory is building up to find the offending areas?

John Carter
Professional Services
Blue Prism

Hi John,

Thanks for your response. I am attaching object structure for reference. As i said i have enable logs under system manger and will review the session logs.
We also have added some C# code earlier to get the available RAM and memory taken by Blue prism. Later Blue Prism was throwing Out of memory exception and when we review the logs(C# logs) we came to know that Available RAM was 1.5 GB and memory taken by Blue Prism was 380 MB. 
Will there we any settings in Blue prism for memory so that we increase that?
Any benefit if we implement Multi-Object Design?

Later we enable logs under system manager and we need to review the session logs.

Kiran Pudi

That's more than 12 actions but still it's not a huge number. It's not the object structure that will eat memory, it's what the object (and the process using it) is doing. Analyse the session logs to try and see where in the process the memory is increasing - it it increasing steadily or is the increase greater at some points, and if so, what is the process doing at those points?

John Carter
Professional Services
Blue Prism