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Outlook VBO on Multiple Email Boxes

Level 4
I'm attempting to use the Outlook VBO with release 6.3 to pull all the sent emails from the various group emails on my Outlook but I an only get the sent emails from my default email a none of group emails. Does the out Outlook VBO allow me to pull sent emails from a group email I'm a part of, any tips, hints or suggestions about how to go about solving this issues?

@AmiBarrett - Thanks for your response, few things - 

1) Do you have link to download the new outlook VBO, kindly share the same.

2) Shared mailbox on same profile - For this one I assume the functionality will be that machine will have 1 outlook profile configured and marked as default profile. This profile will have user mailbox and shared mailbox access as well. The VBO will have an option to input if user wants to pull mail from user inbox or shared mail inbox, kindly suggest if my understanding is correct?

3) For another profile - I assume that user will have multiple profiles configured on machine for user mail and shared mailboxes and VBO will have a option to provide profile name ​so that mails will be read from inbox of that profile?

4) I tried importing file Internal Mapi v2_7_28_2020.txt in BP after renaming to .xml, however it is giving error and BP is not able to import it.

Mayank Goyal

1) Officially, our process is to either have you contact support and they'll supply one (that way we don't have older versions of official VBOs lying around in random places), or for you to download a copy of the latest version of Blue Prism and copy it out of the /VBOs folder within it.

2) That's correct. They'll need to supply the e-mail address of the shared mailbox they're trying to access data from.

3) That's correct, but you'll need to use the one I posted as the official Outlook VBOs do not have support for multiple profiles.

4) Rename it from .txt to .bprelease - Our forum does not accept attachments with a .bprelease extension, for some reason.

Ami Barrett
Sr Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Plano, TX

@AmiBarrett ​​- Thanks a lot for your response and all details, this helps a lot. One last thing to quickly confirm  Internal Mapi v2_7_28_2020.txt  - this has no relation to MAPIex VBO and also wont need MapiEx to be installed. It just needs outlook and profile setup on machine.
Also sometimes we have observed that after setting up profile, outlook ask for user and password when launching with a profile - is there a way to handle it within VBO or we need to ensure that profile user id and password are saved and that popup should not come?

Mayank Goyal

It's only called "Internal mapi" because I wrote the first version before the official outlook VBO was ever released. It uses the same dll file as the Outlook VBO, and has no reliance on or other relation to MAPIex.

No. That would need to be handled by an object than can attach and interact with those elements. 

Edit: Fun fact - The Outlook VBO still relies on MAPI command sets. It's just that it isn't using a custom DLL anymore to handle them. There seems to be a common misconception that because MAPI is no longer in the title, there's no reliance on it. The problems that plagued MAPIEx weren't so much interfacing with MAPI, as it was just the custom code that went along with it. 🙂

Ami Barrett
Sr Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Plano, TX


I have just downloaded and installed the Current Outlook VBO from DX Exchange dated 08/06/2020 Version number, I assume this is the current updated version mentioned by Luis in his post above?

I have a couple of questions with regards to Shared Folders if that's ok?

With regards to the 'Get Mail' action - this still seems to work in exactly the same way as Ami's MAPI V2 object linked earlier in this post, in so far as it will retrieve any mail within the Inbox of the Shared folder correctly, however it will not retrieve Mail from the 'Subfolder' specified in the Input, if the Subfolder item is completed, it simply retrieves the mail from the currently active folder, rather than the specified folder. Can I confirm is this still the intended behaviour of the object (just making sure I've not missed anything obvious!)

With regards to the 'Move Single Mail' action, within the instructions accessed via the 'Blue I' it says 'Caution: If ANY shared inboxes are on the profile, use "Move Single Mail from Shared Inbox"' - however there is no separate action called "Move Single Mail from Shared Inbox" within the object, was this action intended but then removed, or am I misreading the intent of this instruction?

When I complete all of the Inputs using the 'Move Single Mail' action (giving the SharedAddress & SubfolderName) I get an "Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: The attempted operation failed.  An object could not be found." error returnded. Can the Move Single Mail action be used with Shared Folders? I have attached below a screenshot of how I have configured this object just in case I have done something obviously wrong.

Any help would be much appreciated,

Many thnaks

Tony Hann