Hi everyone, Im having issues with the below scenario, Im hoping that someone has experienced this and managed to find a fix.
I have 2 queues, I have just completed the case from first queue and as the last part of the process, the case will be placed into queue 2 with a defered time of the next day at 8AM.
In debug, I can see that the Defer stage output clearly shows the correct date and time.
However, when it's in the queue visible in control room, the date and time seems to be the UTC date.
below is the functions I've used or still using
ToDateTime(AddDays(Today(), 1)&" 08:00:00 AM")
(AddDays(Today(), 1)&" 08:00:00 AM"
Today()&" "&LocalTime()+MakeTimeSpan(0,0,30,0)