Hi Marilyn,
I have executed Excel macros exactly as you picture below where the business unit has added a button on the spreadsheet itself. The Macro "button" is really more for end users to simplify macro execution. The bot will reference the macro by name as Murali and Ritansh described. If you need to run the four macros sequentially, you would have 4 "run macro" actions in your process, calling each macro individually and in the proper order. Alternatively, if you want to use the button, you can create a custom object to interface with it. I don't know if the button element will be spy-able directly as a Win32 element- you might need to use Surface Automation.
Please be advised, however, that if the macro execution fails and the VB debugger pop up is displayed, the bot does not handle that well and will just wait until someone manually closes the pop up. You might consider also a custom object to interface with that window (I've had that happen, too). It's not difficult to build, but it is something to keep in mind.
I hope this helps.