08-07-19 07:25 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm having problems with adding a 3rd party webservice to BP. Apparently there are parts in the webservice that BP can't digest. However, when running the webservice on another software (SOAP UI) it seems to work just fine. Here's the link to the api:
And here's the error thrown by BP (6.5):
19-05-20 07:25 AM
19-05-20 09:47 AM
Hi Ishan
Thank you so much for your time and help, it i very kind from you.
I will consider all the points that you gave me.
one more question:
The client could test the request with soap ui without providing a username and password in the request and he got the value "ID" back.
he also sent me the request form with a header which contains only "to" and "action:....getID" and there were no credentials in there.
Does it mean that this service doen't require credentials? or it is not necessary?
19-05-20 04:31 PM
19-11-20 10:54 AM
23-11-20 01:08 PM
24-11-20 01:28 PM
I'm trying to consume SAP HANA Cloud "Journal Entry - Post (Synchronous)"
I was able to import the WSDL with Blue Prism SOAP Web Service feature, however I'm struggling on how to make the input work in a collection format.
Any Input would be highly appreciated
24-11-20 03:58 PM
24-11-20 07:04 PM
25-11-20 10:35 AM
<JournalEntry> <OriginalReferenceDocumentType>BKPFF</OriginalReferenceDocumentType> <BusinessTransactionType>RFBU</BusinessTransactionType> <Item> <ReferenceDocumentItem>1</ReferenceDocumentItem> </Item> <CreditorItem> <ReferenceDocumentItem>2</ReferenceDocumentItem> </CreditorItem> </JournalEntry>
25-11-20 10:39 AM