@June Siravo,
You are delving into ugly bowels of SOAP.
😂 If Blue Prism's SOAP wizard properly understands your service WSDL, I'd start there. As for the definition of the input Collection, it comes down to what the service expects for that action (
lpUpdate in this example). When it comes to SOAP, REST, etc, a Collection is Blue Prism's simple-minded way of trying to represent a generic object. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
In your example, the
lpUpdatedRequest input Collection basically amounts to the various items that are contained in the SOAP XML between the tags
<lpUpdateRequest> and
</lpUpdateRequest>. This stuff....

So it seems you have the following entries:
- lpId
- LockId
- IsTeamIp
- lpAliasList (this is basically a child Collection)
- lpAlias (this is another child Collection)
- ItemState
- LockId
- BranchId
- ExternalSystemsCd
- ExtrnlOrgNo
- ExtrnlBrnchNo
- ExtrnlRegRepNo
- UserStamp
- lpIsnNo
- UpdateDate
- WaiveChangeRequest
- DartAliasReviewIndicator
You'll have to take a stab at the data types of each column. From the looks of it, there are Text, Flag, Collection, and possible Number fields.
Back to your first error with trying to use the HTTP VBO. I believe that error relates to a missing HTTP header that basically defines the SOAP action that you're trying to invoke. If you run the test in SoapUI again and then check the link at the bottom of SoapUI for
http log you should be able to see what headers are supposed to be there. Here's an example from me calling a BP VBO exposed as a SOAP web service.

Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange