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Troubles importing a release using automatec /importrelease between BP6.10 and BP7.2

Level 3

Hi, I'm tryng to import some bpreleases from a BP6.10  to a BP 7.2

I've already used the same approach from BP6.4 to BP6.10 with no issues, but now I have errors "Unable to resolve the following conflicts:"

process "<the name of the process>": A process with the same internal ID and name allready exists in the database

business object "<the name of the object>":  A business object with the same internal ID and name allready exists in the database

In the documentation in /importrelease that item with same name and id will be overwritten (that is exactly what I want) except when process has the name/ID of an object or viceversa, but this is not my case, as the errore message confirm me.

Maybe this is due to the diffrente version? and 6.10 Process are not saw as 7.2 Process by automatec /importrelease (obviously, if I take the same file and to the import manually it works well).

Is there a way to "Forse" the decision to overwrite?

Thank you, 


Marco Oreste Pogliaghi


Hi Marco,

I understand you're trying to import releases from the command-line but are experiencing an issue where the name/ID already exist and AutomateC is unable to resolve the conflicts. For these releases, you may want to instead try using the in-product import release functionality which will present you with the Resolve Import Conflicts screen as below - here you have 3 options with what to do with the imported process:

  • Overwrite the existing process with the incoming process - if the process ID matches an existing process it will overwrite that existing process
  • Assign a new ID and rename the incoming process
  • Don't import this process 

Steve Boggs
Senior Product Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX

Hi Steve, the idea is to make some automatic work, that is: I'm in the middle of a migration from 6.10 to 7.2, I'm currently working on 6.10, but then I make some no-reg tests also on 7.2.

The idea is: at the end of the day, I have an automatic selection of the things that I've touched, I have a gross-grained list of release packets , the selected packets are then exported using command line from 6.10 and re-imported, again from command line to 7.2

This approach worked from 6.4 to 6.10, and, without changing a line of my "automatic migration" scripts (apart from configs), it works in all steps but the last one.

Now I've found the solution: the issue was that in someway, Automatec treat as "different" processes/objects the exported ones because it sees bpversion="", I've just changed this declaring them as bpversion="", and it imported them correctly.

I just had to add a sed line in my export script that did the substitution.

Thank you,


Marco Oreste Pogliaghi

HI Marco Oreste Pogliaghi,

Thanks for sharing.

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Harish Mogulluri
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