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Forum Posts

AutomateC Error

Hi,While trying to run a process from AutomateC, I get the following error: Permission denied - the user role does not have the 'Control Resource' permissionCan someone help me with this issue? The authentication type used is sso

Resolved! How to get Unique value from a column without looping

Hi, i am little new to blue prism ,Please help me out with a situationi will explain the situation .......i have an excel file and in this i need to find the unique customer name and after getting that customer name i need the whole row for that part...

Capture 2.1 & MS Teams

Can Capture be used on a MS Team call when remotely sharing screens or does the Capture client need to be installed on the subject matter expert or advisors actual PC?   Ideally we want to be able to remotely capture the process either live in Teams ...

MS Exchange Utility

Hi Community,Start using MS Exchange Utility provided by Agilify team.It requires no outlook in your system with lof of features. A helpful utility for emails.Kudos to @agilifyTeam For providing us such a good utility. @Peter Tarrant and team thanks ...

Error message after download

The error I’m receiving is, “An error occurred whilst configuring Blue Prism localdb."I have an account, was emailed a license but have not been asked to input. Can’t get past the error after installation of BluePrism. Icon is on the desktop, it’s wh...

RPA as service

Hello everyone, everything good? I saw that there is an image of blue prism on Azure, I have a question while the license. Would have to pay a Full license or just for working time?Thinking about a scenario where I will have to scale up to 50 machine...

HTTP Request - GET

Good morning,I´m having trouble using the Http Request VBO  with Method "GET", i am passing the the Authorization on the Headers,  but still gives {"detail":"Authentication credentials were not provided."}, with the POST method it works fine.( I test...


Resolved! Warning State - Control Room

Hi All - Assuming a worker is in Warning state, is it possible in Blue Prism to get the 'status' of the worker? Is there any utility through which we can get the status or do we have to access the database? I'm sure a lot of you have come across this...

Http Utility- Request Multipart

Hello,recently I started using new version of HTTP Utility. I would like to upload file via HTTP Request Multipart, but for some reason the files are corrupted while arriving target destination. Any ideas why? From Postman it works fine. Am I configu...


Trial License not received, please help!

Hello,I registered yesterday in the portal and installed the Trial version of BP.However I'm yet to receive the licensing email, tried emailing the Customer support, but of no help.Can someone help me with this?Thanks,Ranjitha

Decipher license not supported on BP V7

I recently updated to BP V7 and now my Decipher license is no longer working. Is this a known scenario and what is the solution to this can somebody please throw some light.------------------------------Thanks & Regards,Tejaskumar DarjiSr. RPA Consul...