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Forum Posts

Resolved! Collection - Remove Duplicated Values in Specific column

Hello,I have action which remove duplicated rows in whole collection. Collection_Out = Collection_In.DefaultView.ToTable(True)I want to write new action which remove duplicates value only in specific column.Does anyone have solution for this?Thank yo...

Chrome - Changes are not registered

Hi, we work with Chrome websites, and we often have the problem (using browser mode in 6.4.2), as if changes were not reported to the browser. It's as if the browser is not registering that input or dropdowns have been made. E.g. I have an input ...

Importing Excel Object to Word Document

HI, I want to import MS Excel Object at the End of Word Document but there seems there is no BP defined object for this. Please let me know: 1) is there any VBO which can help me to import an Excel object to MS Word document? I tried to code and ru...

How to attach excel

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble to attach excel .. window title from task manager is Microsoft excel - Trail Process name from task manager is EXCEL.exe*32 I got a error "Internal : Failed to ...

Vikas by Level 4
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Exposing a Web Service Authentication

Hello,We use Blue Prism 5.0.30.We would like to switch to exposing an Object as a Web Service for data ingestion to create queue items.I am able to set up the object in a local instance of Blue Prism and successfully transfer data using Basic Authent...

Resolved! Error while sending email through Webmail

I am getting below error while trying to send email via webmail. "Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: This property cannot be set to an empty string. Parameter name: value" How can i fix this?

Microsoft Edge based Web Application

Hello all,I am trying to automate our web based internal application (which runs under edge) and I have some problems.1. I can launch ms edge as an application with "C:\Windows\explorer.exe shell:Appsfolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe!Micro...

Resolved! Process Schedule

Hi Everyone,I need some insight on Scheduler. I have a process that runs for a duration of 2 hours. This duration is be controlled from outside using the Environment variable. Once the total run time is reached for e.g. in this case 2 hours, the proc...

Resolved! Blue Prism not supporting Outlook 2016

When running, it throws "Cannot create ActiveX component" thus not able to read the emails from the mailbox or subfolders.I am using outlook 2016.------------------------------Nikhil Negi------------------------------

nikhiln by Level 5
  • 4 replies

Resolved! License Architecture multiple divisions use

Hi,Blue Prism CommunityI'm Kei RPA developer in Japan.I haven't used Blue Prism yet.But I'm thinking about implementing it into multiple divisions in my company.If each division has licenses separately, can we administrate all users relating to each ...

Login Agent Error

​​Hi,We are trying to implement login agent. And when it try to login a resource machine from control room for windows authentication it gives the following error. The 0x80131505 error is occurring . The process has timed out.Can you help us out with...

Scheduling issue in UAT

Hi Team, Getting an error as below when tried to deploy In UAT environment : Getting an error as: "Task: New - BMS_URL-Validation threw an exception: Resource BPXX0TIGEN0XXX is offline - retried 10 times".   Also, I noticed below error every 2 min in...

Error starting schduled process

Hi everyone,I have the following problem, sometimes my scheduled process does not start, the status remains "pending" and the error in the log is "timed out waiting for all sessions to start". The process start with the login agent and BP version si ...