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Forum Posts

Blue Prism deployment in Azure

Hi, I have to deploy Blue Prism image from Azure Marketplace, not sure if it's a PaaS component. It seems to be IaaS because when I simulate the deployment, one of the mandatory fields is 'Virtual Machine name'.I need to find documentation about its ...

Running Macro in MS Access

Hi All, Need a support on this topic, I need to run a VBA Macro created by me via Blue Prism. As we don't any specfic objects for MS access or the actions to perform this. If anyone worked on this topic can share the solution or suggestion to achie...

MS Excel Copy issue

I have to copy data partially from different excels and paste into another template. The logic we built to achieve this at times partially copying the data and saving the file but we are expecting it to give a notification incase of partial update.Co...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

Want to know Exception throw Differences

Hello Everyone,I hope Everyone is Safe.I have been working on Blue Prism for a while now. I just had a doubt which If you could answer that would be of great help to me. I have attached the above images for a better understanding. So If you see ...

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Unable to SPY an IE popup

I am building a process for my team using Blue Prism. For one of the internal web application processes that I am trying to automate, I am presented with a popup from IE. The popup is simply an "OK" or "Cancel" button option asking if I am sure that ...

Wait Make BP Unresponsive

Hi guys,Need some help here.Am doing a restart on a machine, so I have to wait for a given amount of time, i.e 2 minutes or so in order to achieve the rest of the steps required for my process.During this waiting time, BP becomes unresponsive, so in ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Read Collection Column name w.r.t ROw

Hi,I need one help, I have collection in that collection i have to read the column name of the row which is having value "O" in collection row.Also my input file column has dot and dash also in the column names.------------------------------Saumitra ...

Signon failed - The user name or password is incorrect. . Blue Prism will now exit. Contact your network administrator to resolve these configuration problems

Hello, can't connect to the support portal so thought I'd try my luck here.We are receiving the following error when logging into BluePrism from a runtime resource.When logging into the app server with the same account, we don't have any issues.We di...

Login Agent Issue

So I created a process to print a bunch of notices that the government sends us. The process launches the firefox browser and then clicks the customer print icon and prints the page. The process works beautifully when I run it on in the control room ...

CR by Level 4
  • 11 replies

OLEDB Syntax Error

Hi,I am trying to fetch the data into collection using oledb, into parts. For that, I am using the following querySELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 0But I am getting Internal Error: Syntax error in FROM clause.Can someone point out the mista...

Calling a Web Service Concurrently

Hi All,I have exposed one process (background mode) as web service (Blue Prism 6.4.1). And we have 10 licences in place. When i am calling 10 threads (from ARC) of this web service at same time to run it on a single machine then Blue Prism is just t...

popup - Blue Prism has stopped working

Hi team, Could you please let you know the root cause of this issue. Thanks, Siva Mutukuri. ------------------------------Sivanagabrahmam MutukuriSSEAccenture Solutions Pvt LtdIndian/Maldives------------------------------
