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Forum Posts

BP Login/Logout Agent

Hello, we are using login/logout agents for our resources scheduled on specific times. It works fine but sometimes after logout , login agent doesn't work and machine is offline showed in control room - actually we don't know why ? Has anyone ever ...

MaNe by Level 2
  • 3 replies

Surface Automation Issue

Hi, Is there any limitations of blueprism during automate the application using Surface Automation. At a time how many layers can spying in surface automation. In my case i need to automate application after fourth layer of Citrix. Three layers hav...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

VMware and PCoIP

Hi, have any of you use VMware Horizon Client to connect to VDI? I can use only PCoIP, but haven't found any reliable information, whether it's possible to use that for BP remote access. I appreciate any bit of advise. Best regards, L

Flash Application Support

Hi All, Is any workaround for working with web-based applications which are built using Adobe Flash Technology? I am using regions to define elements on the page but it is not very reliable. Also, are there any plans to start supporting Adobe Flash ...

Gathering Process Statistics

Hi all,   Is there a way to gather statistics from all processes running on my desktop through BP? So values such as PID, Process Name, Window Title etc. The ones you can usually gather manually from Task manager.   Thank you!

Blue Prism Event Log

Hello, We have Blue Prism installed on two servers, one as a fail over. As part of our testing for a separate issue we have had one switched off and the other switched on and upon swapping these over we have noticed that one server's event log is mu...

Extract data using Reg expression extraction utility

Hi I have this pattern -> (?:(?:https?|ftp|file):\/\/|www\.|ftp\.)(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.])*(?:\([-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$?!:,.]*\)|[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|$]) for extracting url from a text. The thing is I don't know ahead...

Interacting with the Windows Desktop

Blue Prism indicates that it's possible to interact with applications running under a different user ID by using surface automation and issuing commands through the SendKeys method to the Windows Desktop. Since the Windows session and its desktop are...

SAML and Blue prism integration

Any info on how Blue prism can be integrated with SAML? It would require prism to generate a SAML request(request type would be an Authentication request for user loigin).   Thanks, Ravi

blue Prism automating SAP BExAnalyzer

Hi BP Community!   Has anyone got experience in automating a sap BExAnalyzer?   i am trying to create an object but as soon as the object launches. it just stops working. and just not attaching,   Thanks in advance!