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Forum Posts

Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040200

Hi Community:I have a question, I hope you can help me. I developed a robot which worked fine but recently gave me an error and showing the "Warning" status. I could not identify the reason for the error until now:"ERROR: Internal: Failed to perform ...

Click to Open Java - Chrome Popup Button

Hi there. We are having a new issue that is happening intermittently with regards to a Java application launching on Chrome. The particular stage in question has not seen any problems in the past until now. When trying to launch the Java application ...

Resolved! Menu Key for Global send key event

Hello, I am trying to press the Menu key with a stage Global send key event. I tried the workaround SHIFT+F10 but it is not recognized in the application I am interacting with. Is there really no direct way of calling the Menu key? Thank you !-------...

Blue Prism Which langaugae supported

Blue Prism Which langaugae supported  like c# or or Java------------------------------Ankit ShuklaRPA DeveloperArvius Software Pvt Ltd.Noida------------------------------

Resolved! Read stage with limited data type option!!!

READ STAGE with different possibilities How can I see more data type options in my read stage?  This is what I should see  This is what I see  Many thanks! ------------------------------Sahar Salehi------------------------------

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Create a ZIP folder

Hi there, I want to create a ZIP folder in which I can send this ZIP folder to Outlook email. I use ATCS - Compression & Extraction - 7zip to create. However, it's not working and no zip folder created. Can someone teach me. PS: EN_Folder is Test F...

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Lily.L by Level 5
  • 3 replies

Outlook - How To Extract Email ID using Employee Number

Hi, Is there a way to get email address based on the Employee number (format of Employee number - 1234567) from Outlook? I'm using the Outlook VBO, and in Outlook Address book Advanced find, I don't have the option to search with Employee Number. But...

Issue with Application Modeller -Element screen

Hi I am using Chrome , the issue i have is when adding an element to the to the application modeller the element details are grey out and high light button as well? Any idea and resolution? ------------------------------Senior Consultant pactera Te...

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Hello, When I am using OLEDB action I am getting error like 'Could not find installable ISAM' did anyone knows the solution for this kind of error. Thanks in advance.------------------------------Niteesh Reddy Bollu Senior Software EngineerLead Assis...

Blue Prism Learning Edition Install Issue

Hi Team, While i am installing a Blue prism Learning edition 7.2.1 in my laptop . It shows an error that that Older version can't be removed. I have uninstalled the older version in my laptop. Suggest any tips how to resolve this, Please find attach...

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Discovery of processes using rest api

We are trying to trigger (start/stop) processes from external proxy server written in Node through Rest API. After going through some docs and question I understand that we can expose processes through Rest API.I am trying to understand is there any ...

To Read Table in PDF FIle

Hello Team, Can you please details of VBO for reading the table in PDF file, If not please provide the steps to read the table from PDF file. Thanks & regards, Shiva Kumar VS.