@Sanaa FallahThe "Status Item" is used to know the status of the element in the Queue. Exists only four states:
- Pending: Default state for new items in the Queue.
- Being worked: Locked state. When you use "Get Next Item" action. The item that you get becomes locked to prevent onther process get the same Item
- Completed: To indicate successful completion. Use the action "Mark Completed", to turn the Item in this state.
- Exception: To indicate that it has finished with exception. Use the action "Mark Exception", to turn the Item in this state.
And tags are like labels that you can put on items. For example if you want to mark a priority or if you have to add a note.
Then, you can use the Get Next Item with a filter parameter to get only the items that you want.
Hope this helps you, and if this solves the problem, remember mark as the best answer.
See you in the community, bye
Pablo Sarabia
Altamira Assets Management