Hi Vamsi,
Thanks for reaching out to the community with your query. I tried to use the VBO and was able to get successful results as well. Let me elaborate more on the steps that I used below:
Step 1: Install the required files
A) You would require a local setup of PostgreSQL which I think you already have configured with you. I have my PostGreSQL setup with the following details:

B) You need to then download the npgsql.dll (version 4.0.10) with net45 version. You can download the dll from the following nuget package feed URL:
Npgsql v4.0.10I have downloaded the dll file under net45 folder as shown below from the mentioned package feed. You just need to double click on the file and save it some browsed location when the prompt comes up on your local machine;

Once, the file got downloaded copy the npgsql.dll file to your Blue Prism's installation folder as shown below:

C) Next, you would require to download and import the PoseGre + 12 v.14 asset from Digital Exchange:
Connector for Blue Prism - PostgreSQL V12 - 1.0.0This would import the following dependencies on your environment:

D) Once, the object has been imported successfully open the business object and ensure the following dependency has been provided under the '
Code Options' tab of the Page Description stage of your '
Initialise' page in the imported business object:

Once you have verified that the same dependency names are provided as shown in the screenshot, just check if you are not getting any errors at all by clicking on the validation button once as shown below:

You should be getting a zero error message as shown above. Save the object post the changes and close it now.
Step 2: Create Table & Database At PostGreSQL Server:
To test if everything is working, I have created a sample database called '
test_db' and a sample table within it called '
test_table' in my PostGreSQL server using the PgAdmin client:
Step 3: Configuring dependencies in Blue Prism Client:
On your Blue Prism client, first you need to set up the proper values for the environment variables associated with your imported business object for PostGreSQL as shown below:

Now, you need to make modifications to your test process as per the database and the table created in PostGreSQL server end:
A) First I made the changes to the '
Get Collection' page of my imported process where changes are made to the database name and the SQL query to be executed which are as follows:

Step 4: Running the process:
Before running the process, the content for '
test_table' table in my PgAdmin console looks like below:

Now, once I run the 'Get Collection' page in my imported process workflow I get the following results:
NOTE: For some reason when I am using the MSI installer from Github source as mentioned in the asset guide, some version of the Visual C++ Redistributable is getting updated and I was not able to open Blue Prism client software on my machine after multiple retry attempts . I had to recover my OS at a backdated restoration point to fix this issue altogether. Hence, I researched a bit and got the Nuget Package feed directly instead of going through MSI installer approach altogether.----------------------------------------------------------------Hope it helps you out and if my solution resolves your query, then please mark it as the 'Best Answer' so that the others members in the community having similar problem statement can track the answer easily in futureRegards,Devneet MohantyIntelligent Process Automation Consultant | Sr. Consultant - Automation Developer,Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified ProfessionalWebsite: https://devneet.github.io/Email: devneetmohanty07@gmail.com----------------------------------------------------------------
Hope this helps you out and if so, please mark the current thread as the 'Answer', so others can refer to the same for reference in future.
Devneet Mohanty,
SS&C Blueprism Community MVP 2024,
Automation Architect,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.