Hi All
Just wondering if someone will be able to advise me on the following.
I have two excel spreadsheets one is a bank upload excel file and the other excel file is a list of funds.
I imported them both into Blue Prism and created two collections. Collection IM Numbers and Collection Funder
Collection funder has got a list of funds that are electronic and manual.
I need to remove the electronic funds from the banking file so that the info that is left can be loaded into the Queue.
I think I will have to use a loop but when I use a wildcard with a data item to search the specific column I keep on receiving errors.
The text that I am using to filter is as follow - "[Allocation] Like 'BAR*'" and then I receive results but if I replace the BAR with a data item from the other collection I receive an error. I need to use a wild card as the start of the description will always be the same and the end will differ.
Please see screens below:
Willem Nel