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Handling unexpected timing of known popup

Level 3
I am working on a Java application and there is an expected popup which might come anytime between a number of steps on the same screen. On the screen we need to update 10 values and the popup does not come every time but it might come after any step.

What would be the best way to handle the popup? The obvious solution would be to handle this popup after every step but that would only increase the total time for the process to finish. Can this popup be handled in a better way?

Thanks in Advance

Ankit Singh

Hi Anikit,

When you have that popup appear on your screen blue prism will be unable to identify background element and will throw exception.

You should handle this exception in your process studio and try to attach that popup message or find button close to that button.

if unable to attached that mean popup message is not there & other issue is appear.

as per above method your process will not take time to execute.

Please reply if any query.


Nilesh Jadhav
Nilesh Jadhav.

I think Nilesh's idea might work best, but I wanted to add that if the popup is instantaneous, you might be able to get away with a wait stage of 0 or 1 seconds as an alternative.

If you know which conditions the popup appears in, you might be able to add some logic to determine if a popup will appear. That might mean entangling some business logic in the process though, so even if you could do it, that might not be ideal.

Nicholas Zejdlik
RPA Developer

Hi Nilesh, that does seem like a great idea. My only concern is that whenever the popup comes, we handle it in process studio and the process will restart filling the values again. The behavior of popup is such that it can appear when we are changing the values on the application console. So will it be the best approach to restart the process and fill the values all over again ?

Ankit Singh

Hi Nicholas, i have checked that with business but we couldn't reach a conclusion, basically according to them the popup can come for changes in any of the values. Also, 1 second timeout will not work because the application behaves a bit slower sometimes. we would require a minimum of 4-5 seconds wait stage.

Ankit Singh