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Import Batch Types

Level 2
I am trying to import the batch types from test decipher to live. I downloaded all the batch types from the test environment and I tried to upload half of them at once, but following error appeared and the batch type section was empty:

"Failed to import batch type! Error message :Request failed for command 'ImportBatchType' with error code '-353' and error message 'Unable to create the batch type - the batch type already exists.'".

Then I tried uploading them one by one and the same error appears even for those that I've never tried to upload.
Already tried to delete all the Document Form Definitions and import again, refresh and logout-login.
This error is still there and the Batch Types section is empty

Appreciate your help!

Marin Stoikov
RPA developer

Hi Marin,

Each Batch Type has a unique ID which is causing the conflict. When deleting a Batch Type, Document Type or DFD in Decipher, the entry is not deleted from the database. There is a field that is updated to mark it as deleted, but due to potential links in other database tables, cannot be removed.

I would recommend using the button to create a copy or clone of the Batch Type, which will create a new ID. Then import the copy into the new environment.

If you need to reinstate the original one, your database administrator will be able to update the record in the database to set the IsDeleted column to 0.


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Hello Ben

Thank you for your fast response
 I am new in this decipher tool, could you please give me more information on how to clone the Batch Types?
I can see the clone button on the DFD but there is no such button on the Batch Types and Document Types

Thank you for your help. I appreciate it!

On Wed, 1 Sept 2021 at 12:48, Ben Lyons via Blue Prism Community <> wrote:
Hi Marin, Each Batch Type has a unique ID which is causing the conflict. When deleting a Batch Type, Document Type or DFD in Decipher, the entry... -posted to the "Decipher" community


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Re: Import Batch Types
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Ben Lyons
Sep 1, 2021 10:47 AM
Ben Lyons
Hi Marin,

Each Batch Type has a unique ID which is causing the conflict. When deleting a Batch Type, Document Type or DFD in Decipher, the entry is not deleted from the database. There is a field that is updated to mark it as deleted, but due to potential links in other database tables, cannot be removed.

I would recommend using the button to create a copy or clone of the Batch Type, which will create a new ID. Then import the copy into the new environment.

If you need to reinstate the original one, your database administrator will be able to update the record in the database to set the IsDeleted column to 0.


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
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Hi Marin,

My apologies, I must have imagined that button on the Batch Type page. There's no single button solution to clone a Batch Type, though creating a new one shouldn't take too long as the option selection is quite small.


Ben Lyons
Product Consultant
Blue Prism
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based