Well, first we need to review what is happening in your environment.
From your App_server, can you see all your Runtime Resources OnLine? Lock? Idle?
If the are Idle, can you send a process and runs fine?
After that, please send the LogOut to that Runtime Resource until the show as LOCK will take no more than 1 minute. if this doesn't happen.
Then check the LOGIN AGENT Service running in the RunTIme Resource, check that this service is running using a valid user from your AD, most of the time use the same user to login to the Runtime Resource.
Restart and check, if still having problems, maybe is a problem in your LoginAgent.Config file, if that happens, please share that file with us.
Also are starting the Listener in the Runtime Resource using a batch file or Windows Scheduler? We recommend use a batch file.
I know this is a lot of information, normally we work with these issues by creating a ticket in our Portal or by sending an email to support@blueprism.com
I recommend that, to keep the private your information from the Community and work with an Engineer from our team to locate the source of the issue in your environment.
Most of the time is just an error in the configuration for the login agent.
Have a good day.
Luis Lopez
Customer Support Engineer English and Spanish
Blue Prism Ltd