I'm attempting to use the Outlook VBO with release 6.3 to pull all the sent emails from the various group emails on my Outlook but I an only get the sent emails from my default email a none of group emails. Does the out Outlook VBO allow me to pull sent emails from a group email I'm a part of, any tips, hints or suggestions about how to go about solving this issues?
Thanks amibarrett. I'm able to get mails from different profiles after a bit of playing with the code. Has anyone tried moving emails to subfolders in non-default profiles?
Do you mean within the same profile, or from one profile to another? If the former, you could make similar modifications to the ""Move Email to Inbox Sub Folder"" action. If the latter, I can see two options. The first is to save an e-mail as a file, then try to re-import to a new profile. The second would be to add the address of the second profile as a shared mailbox, rather than a second profile.
You could always change profiles using the this little registry hack before reading the mailbox.
Just set up the different mailboxes with their corresponding profiles and change to the profile using ""profileName"".
Success = false;
RegistryKey myKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(""Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\16.0\\Outlook"", true);
if(myKey != null) {
myKey.SetValue(""DefaultProfile"", profileName, RegistryValueKind.String);
Success = true;
Success = false;