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PDF to JPG/PNG convert with Blue Prism

Hello team,

Do we have any VBO available to convert PDF to Image formats(JPG/PNG)?

Or any DLL with code stage that you are aware of to perform this file conversion.

If I was of assistance, please vote for it to be the "Best Answer".

Thanks & Regards,
Tejaskumar Darji
Sr. Consultant-Technical Lead


@sumire in my testing, on v7.3 64-bit Blue Prism, I had to copy the following files into my Automate folder to get PDFium working from Code stages:

  • pdfium_x64.dll
  • pdfium_x86.dll
  • PDFiumSharp.dll
  • System.ValueTuple.dll (this is a Microsoft DLL not included in the standard BP installation)

And I set up my Global Code Options like this:


I've created a VBO wrapper for PDFiumSharp which will be posted to the DX in the next week or two, but it may end up being a paid asset (depends on what those above me decide).


Hello @ewilson ,

Thank you for your efforts.
I understand that "system.valuetuple.dll" is included in .NET4.7 and above.
Blue Prism's minimum installation requirement is 4.7, so is it contradictory to say "System.ValueTuple.dll (this is a Microsoft DLL not included in the standard BP installation)"?


Hi @sumire,

I don't think it's contradictory because I'm on .NET 4.8 and still had to add the DLL to my Automate folder for PDFium to be happy. It should be picked up if it's in the GAC, but in my tests, it didn't seem to work as expected.

So, you can try without adding it and see if PDFium works for you. If you receive a Code stage error when you call a PDFium action, then you might try adding it.


Hello @ewilson ,

Thank you for providing information.
Now I understand that "system.valuetuple.dll" is located somewhere else on my PC, and needs to be copied to the BluePrism execution folder.
Thanks to you, I was able to write the code stage myself and create an action to convert from PDF to image.
The screenshot you provided of the global code options was very helpful.

I learned a lot. Thank you again.
