Have you tried using a conditional Wait Stage with Parent Document Loaded? I know there's no Document Loaded in Chrome/Edge automation. It does blow my mind that Blue Prism did not make browser automation be consistent with actions and such available in IE automation, such as the lack of Match Reverse and Document Loaded options. Anyway, The goal of Parent Document Loaded is to wait for two things: (1) the target element to exist and (2) the page to finish loading. The ideal situation to handle what you're going for, I think, is to use a Navigate Stage or w/e to trigger the page reload then use a very small static/arbitrary wait stage afterward or even put the wait directly in the Navigate Stage (let's say 2 seconds to be safe) and then immediately after that have another wait stage that is conditional and uses Parent Document Loaded. Even though this is waiting for the same page, it "ideally" should wait for the page to finish loading because that's part of the functionality of Parent Document Loaded.
There's something important here I've found that can be very important. The element you choose to use in the Wait stage can affect whether the wait stage truly waits for the full page to load or not. What I've found to work well (and this is kind of standard in blue prism anyway) is to choose an element that should take the longest to load and then use Parent Document Loaded on that element. The reason this is important is especially in web pages with iframes and other similar constructs where waiting for an element in the wrong container could cause Blue Prism to not realize the page is technically still loading.
And then in the worst case if the above doesn't work, you may just want to put in a static wait like you said but use a loop so it can check periodically for results or whatever it's looking for and have a max loop limit of some kind to govern how many times it checks. It's not perfect, but it works ok for me.
Dave Morris
Cano Ai
Atlanta, GA
Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company