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Web Process Authentication when using SSO (Active Directory)

Level 3
What is the process for authenticating with a process exposed as a web service when BluePrism uses Active Directory for authentication?  The only information I can find in BluePrism docs is: "Where Blue Prism is integrated with Active Directory for Single Sign-on, the connecting system will need to provide the credentials for a domain account with appropriate Blue Prism privileges." I am attempting to call this Web Service via SoapUI and have tried many authentication combinations (NTLM, Kerberos, Basic), but always receive a 401 response when initiating the web service. I have tried sending a Basic authentication header as the Web Service is responding back with a [401] WWW-Authenticate Basic realm="BluePrism" header response, but no matter which username or password I try, it always results in the same 401 error.  I have seen previous forum topics with similar issues, but have yet to see a solution: (this solution doesn't work for me as I always receive Authentication Failed, don't think it works with SSO). (No solution)

Level 2
I am receiving the exact same issue and have tried multiple solutions.  Does anyone have an actual solution.

Level 3
Anyone from BluePrism out there? There are a lot of people with this issue.

Level 7
IIRC if you're using BP 5.* there might be a bug, where you can't really authorize on Webservice, if BP uses SSO. If you're on BP 6+, it's easy - use simple HTTP Auth.Credentials: account, which is able to log into BP via SSO.   E.g. To get work item status via Python, I've used this: from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from requests import Session from zeep import Client from zeep.transports import Transport   session = Session() session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(""[Domain]\\[User]"", ""[Password]"")   client = Client('http://resource_pc:port/ws/GetWorkItemStatus?wsdl', transport=Transport(session=session)) print(client.service.GetWorkItemStatus('work-item-id-goes-here'))

Level 3
So, if you are on BluePrism 5.x it's just impossible, or is there a workaround?

Level 3
We are actually on 6.1, but still getting 401 errors when calling with SOAP UI and Dell Boomi.  In fact we haven't found a way to pass in Basic credentials and have them authenticate correctly. Are there any additional configurations on the server necessary to ensure basic auth works with SSO?

Level 3
I've now even tried with the same code you supplied and the resourece pc is displaying the following log, but I still receive a 401 error.  I know the username and password are correct as I can log into the resource pc with the same credentials.   Received SOAP request:                

Level 3
Some more details: I can log into Blue prism using SSO when accessing the resource pc as user abc_123. The same username is displayed on the bottom of the BluePrism screen as The user appears in the Users list with UPN of The Sign-On settings use the domain name of domain.local.   The credentials I am attempting to use in SoapUI, Python, etc are: username: domain.local\ password: same password I use to log into the resource pc, which is the same password used when SSOing into BluePrism.