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Forum Posts

Process MI

I am trying to use Process MI, but when I try to analyse the process stages, I am getting this below error. "The following error has occurred reading Process MI data from the database. The underlying secure session has faulted before the reliable se...

Resolved! The interface looks bad

The whole interface of Blueprism Trial 7.2 looks bad and I can't fix it. I reinstalled it several times but it is not corrected, I do not know if it is some incompatibility with windows 11. How can I solve it? Thank you------------------------------...

Collection Maximum Rows

I'm trying to move data from one spread sheet from another. The first spread sheet has roughly 1400 columns. I can pull these into a collection via a OLEDB connections and a SQL query, however, when I then try to write this collection back out, it on...

Sending HTTP outgoing request through application server

Hi Team, We have a requirement where the BOTs need to call an API endpoint(Either through the HTTP VBO or Web API interface). Now for authentication the certificate handshake is needed and we need to create a certificate with all the BOT machine det...

Resolved! One Process or Multiple

I have a process best practice question. We are automating application removal for the leaver process. When someone leaves, they have 4 default mainframe applications where access would need to be removed. Would that be one process to remove all 4 ap...

Blueprism object change in processes

Hi, We are changing an internet exploder object to chrome, previously sap worked on the IE now it's having some problem with the browser now we are changing it to chrome by creating entire new object. my question is what is the easy way to change thi...

Oracle Database invalid Identifier Error

The Blueprism action for oracle database kept returning ORA - 0904 invaild identifier error when try to spool data for the database while the Oracle script runs perfectly from the Oracle database.------------------------------Kehinde kehinde---------...

BP API installation

Hi, We have installed Hub, interact and Blue Prism API, now we want to integrate API to use control room other things but not sure how we can integrate. As per the guide, it mentioned how to test API using swagger, but we don't want to use swagger. C...

Updating my Current Row index of colletion

Hi  I am running code stage to update the value of collection but after operation my Current index of the row of the output is getting reset to 1 of 3911, but my input collection had 2 of 3911. How to preserve the current row index value in Output R...
