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Forum Posts

Global send keys left mouse click

Hi I would like to send 3 left mouse clicks in a row, using global send keys. Does anyone know if it is possible.Regards kristian------------------------------Kristian HolmRPA programmerPenSam (Pension Company)Copenhagen Denmark----------------------...

Attaching to Micro Focus Reflection

Hi All,I am working on an RPA process which involves interacting with mainframe using Micro Focus Reflect. I am looking to create an object for each screen I am interacting with in the system, which would require an attach action in each of the objec...

Resolved! Explanation of BPAAuditEvents Codes

Hi,I am looking for an explanation of all these codes from BPAAuditEvents table:C003T0010R005AR02A004U001E006P001O002S019...... etc ...Thank you------------------------------El------------------------------

Resolved! What kind of APIs are avaiable?

I am in DevOps team so only interested in automation. For example: I want a way to export the newly created release to GitHub and deploy it to the next environment. To achieve that I want an API be able to list all the releases in the system, find ou...

Resolved! Is it ok to post a job opportunity here?

Hi there, my question probably needs to be answered by an admin. A BP support employee recommended to just post it here. What I would like to know is if it's ok to post a job opportunity for a RPA developer here that is currently open in the compan...

exportpackage can't export existing release in BP v6.5.1

We are using BP v6.5.1, and I can't find this exportpackage function in this version's Help doc.The latest v6.8 Help has this function, but I can't use it to export an existing release, see the error below. Any idea how to export an existing release ...

Resolved! Not able to run my machine as a resource.Offline

Resource PC showing this error message ---Listener failed : Unable to start listener - is this machine already running as a Resource PC? : Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permittedNot able to run proc...


Resolved! Add Image to Word

Hello AllOne of my costumers has requested to add to a specific place in a Word document his digital signature as well as his Logo on the top left side of the Document.How can I handle it in a nice and stable way?I have the signature/Logo in a Word D...

License Activation

Hi Team,i am unable to activate the Trail software am getting a message as license has expired.could you please help on this.Regards,santhosh------------------------------GenpactIndian/Maldives------------------------------

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Resolved! Rest API Call - 407 Authentication required

Hi Experts,I had invoked restful API hosting in azure from Object and received below error.Internal : Unexpected error Error during Web API HTTP RequestHTTP Status Code: 407HTTP Response Content: <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Access Denied</TITLE>This is becaus...

Resolved! Perfect design of all stages for Multibot

Hi,I am creating a process where it will do is that read a excel file from folder and it will have sorted with latest file and create workqueue.After some calculation in excel it will do surface automation and then update business exceptions and ever...
