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Forum Posts

Transfer Data from Excel to Word

​Hello dear congregation,I have a question about the following problem. I would like to transfer data from Excel to Word to a continuous text.In the process I came across the following problem. I don't know how to insert the content or the word from ...

Issue with the Utility - Collection Manipulation object

​Dear Community Members,I have an issue with the Utility - Collection Manipulation object.Please find below some details:I am using the the aforementioned object to filter out a specific row of employee data from a created collection.The filter being...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

V6.5 setup file required

Hi Team, Can you please help me to download the version 6.5 setup file for blueprism------------------------------Nishant Jain------------------------------

world clock application Bot?

i have facing one problem with world clock Bot in ehich we passed city from the excelto web application and read the current time from the list of result available on  web pages?------------------------------rakesh kan------------------------------

UI Mode and UIA Automation ID

Hi All,We are working on a web application automation. We used UIA Automation ID and it was working fine. There was a recent change on that Web Application and we don't see UIA Automation ID any more. We used HTML mode and UI mode...but didn't help.A...

Update BluePrism from v6.3.2 to v6.5

HiWe currently want to migrate from version 6.3.2 to version 6.5. I have read the guide to update. Where is the script to update the database? Thank you------------------------------PABLO PEREZ-ENCISO------------------------------

Web path changing - used * & ? & +

Hi All,I am trying to automate one website using chrome however unable to automate that as the element path creating unique number (Not dynamically)Example /HTML[1]/BODY[1]/DIV[1]//DIV[6]/DIV[52]/DIV[1]/........../HTML[1]/BODY[1]/DIV[1]//DIV[6]/DIV[1...

Where are BP VBOs?

Hi, Where can I find all BluePrism VBOs, like utilities and others, back in days they were available to download from the BP portal, now i cannot find any? Where do you keep them?Thanks.------------------------------Kind regards, Dmitrij MamajevRPA D...

dmma by Level 5
  • 2 replies

Question on VBO access?

Hi,I have a question on VBO's. Is there a way we can restrict specific VBO access to  the  specific user? Similar to how we restrict  credentials  to the specific process and Resources? ------------------------------HarishRPA Developer---------------...

MAPIEx Sporadically Crashing

I am experiencing an issue with Blue Prism MAPIEx - Get Mail crashing Automate.exe.  This only happens on one particular VM and is very sporadic (only 3 times in 4 weeks)I have several other processes that use the Get Mail object on other VM's withou...

Need help automating a javascript login scree

Hello All,I'm trying to automate an incorta login screen, but it is a javascript application: Using a write stage populates the fields just fine, but my issue is the "Sign In" button. In order for the button go become active, it requires. what I've ...


Lab 1 Object Start - Bing

​​ I successfully created Lab 1 and got it to execute when I first ran it. But when I try to run it a second and subsequent time it trips up at er Search with the message Internal: Failed to perform step 1 in Write Stage 'Enter Search' on page 'Searc...

Utility HTTP VBO

I am trying to send a POST request with JSON body, getting object not instantiated error. Unable to find any detailed guide for all the parameters which I need to pass.Can anybody guide me?------------------------------Moumita Dhar-------------------...