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Cannot run process in Control room

Hello Guys, I have ancountered with problem when I try to run process via Control room. When i pull process on active client this error message emerges.: "Failed to create session on V4SKBRSY0000004 - Failed to get effective run mode - Unable to cal...

How spy the jquery data table ?

Hi all,  i want to spy the jquery data table which contains pagination. i'm able to spy the jquery data table it retrieving only 10 records out of 60 records. How to retrieve the complete records? please find the attached document. 

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Stage Loggin

Hello all, I have the following issue: I do not want to log any data in the log available in Control room. I disabled logging in the process and for every process step but still some data are visible in control room logs. Especially for the Excel V...

KK1 by Level 3
  • 1 replies

Exception Reason in Tags

Is there a way to remove "Exception: System Exception", etc from the tags? If the process marks an item with an exception this reason is showing in the tags, status and Exception reason. I use the Exception reason and status for MI and queue manageme...

Issue to run process on another Client PC

Hi, we have configured 2 system, one as Apppserver and another as client. In control room, we can see both PC, but on appserver same apserver status = "online" and Connection "Yes-connected" and other system state "online" connection "No(Private)" ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Hi, I have used Region Mode on my system  , its working fine But i had used same release file to other system its not working    Can you please help me how to resolve this issue for me , please do needfull   Thanks Kesava 

KesavaS by Level 2
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Collection Filter - Use Mid()

I have a collection with field (text) named [Producer Code], now i want to filter this collection where the 2nd to 7th characters are "ABCDEF" in [Producer Code], how to write this filter. "ABCDEF" may appear at anywhere,but they are not what i want ...

EricLi by Level 6
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Issue while using Login method of Login Agent

Hi, We are facing one issue while using login method of login agent.After the login agent takes control over the system, when we tried to drag login process onto our resource pc, we are getting an error "User has requested a type of logon that has n...

Get Empty fields in a collection

Hi, I'm looking some help with a process I'm working on.  In this particular case, I need to find if there are any empty fields in a collection.  For example, I have a collection with around 10 columns/rows.  There will likely be 100+ rows once it's...

Selecting Pop up

I am working on a web application where once I select a particular option it opens multiple tabs and one of them has a pop up that asks me to save the file. As long as the pop up is in the foreground my process works fine. But there are instances wh...

Calling a procedure

Hi, I'm trying to execute an Oracle procedure block using the data OLEDB VBO but I'm running into errors. Kindly advise. The procedure runs perfectly fine in SQLPLUS   Thanks