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Forum Posts


Hi,    While sending consequent mails in blue prism some mails are missing. Example: if i am sending 4 mails (A,B,C,D)  continuously only 3 mails like  (A C D ) or (A B C) are sent. remaining one mail is missing. is there any alternative way to sent...

Lost ability to spy in SAP mode

I am quite advanced in developing an automation with SAP. Today, Blueprism no longer recognizes the previously identified elements and it no longer lets me re-identify, it no longer highlights any elements. Would it be safe to reinstall blueprism wi...

Unexpected Exception Recovery Behaviour

Hello,can someone explain why this is happening?  The calculation stage is throwing an exception(as shown in the image), which is being recovered by 'Recover1' stage, then upon reaching 'Exception1' stage I expected the process to terminate or get r...

Updateable variable for multiple sessions?

Hi Community, Not sure if this is even a valid question or not - is there any feature where a variable can be updated between multiple same-process sessions? Probably thinking more from a multi-bot architecture perspective. -Environment variables a...

Get Clipboard Value Error

  Bot is unable to Get clipboard value from Excel and returning the following error:-   ERROR: Internal : Failed to evaluate expression 'GetClipboard()' - Unhandled error occurred in the GetClipboard function: Requested Clipboard operation did not s...

Surface Automation issue in BP v4.2

Hi, I am trying to replicate the work on other systems so I can run my process on different machines. I used surface automation in object. I am facing issue while working on other machines. I checked all system properties like resolution, screen col...

Resolution Changes when Running through Login Agent

Hi BP Community, We are deploying a process in Citrix HVD technology. When running a process from control room without using login agent, it works fine. But when we run it through login agent, the resolution changes automatically to 1024*728. Requir...

System out of memory in SAP

Hi, Application: SAP SAT - SAP GUI 7.50 Hardware (Runtime Resource): 4 GB RAM Blue Prism ver: 5.0.33   When I have a collection of transactions with ~15 field and 100-150 rows, I get system out memory exceptions in SAP. The error occurs when do...

Resource Pool & Login Agent

Hi,   So I tried setting up a resource pool with 2 resources that both have login agent installed and were available (showing the blue screen with the key on it). However, once I put them into a resource pool they lose their "Connected" status with...

Configurable Delay Between Schedule Tasks

Right now when attempting to schedule a Process on a Resource Machine using the Login Agent, 2 schedules are needed: Login Schedule Runs login agent Process Schedule Runs 5 minutes after Login Schedule to enable runtime resource start...

Wait Stage

Which is the Best to use wait in Process & Object "Sleep" or "Wait Stage"? & What's the diff b/w Both?

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