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Forum Posts

Opening/Using applications installed in the user space

We have an application that's installed in the user space (C:\Users\\Application) and are having difficulties coming up with a method to allow multiple robots to open and access the Object. Since Blue Prism doesn't support windows variables (like %us...

Blue Prism Calendar

Hi We can create customized calendars based on working week, national holidays (UK only), and other holidays. In Japanese industries, we need to have such calendars as has 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th working days. So, adding other holidays to calendars are ...

Regarding PDF Automation

In situations where you are faced with automating PDFs, is Blue Prism generally able to handle all the needs by itself or is it often that you need third-party software such as Google tesseract/Abby?

Multiple tab

I'm working on Internet explorer. when i click a button it opens a new tab in the same window. I'm able to spy the new tab fields but when debugging in object it says no elemnts matched the supplied query.  So tried detaching and attaching the new t...

Vikas by Level 4
  • 1 replies

Compatibility View on Internet Explorer & Mouse Freeze

Hello All,            What will be the impact on Blueprism automation if a website or a portal does not support Compatibility View on IE 11?            Below is the issue I am encountering:-            When I login into a browser based application...

Action failure in Navigation

Hi, Not able to navigate to another webpage using navigate properties even if given relevant application modeler URL is correct and error is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Kindly suggest.

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

Job Queue

I want to start one process in a queue on a robot which is busy on another process. Process B should start once Process A completes. I get Process A on thursday which is expected to run till Saturday on a machine. Now Process B is ad hoc and I have a...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

Unable to spy element inside a iframe

Hi All, currently i am working with a web based application, where i am trying to spy a text box which placed inside a i frame .In application modeler AA mode can recognize that text box, but unfortunately whenever i am trying to spy it Automate.exe ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

Environment Variables

Hello,   How can I prevent Environment variable to be access by only a particular process ? Say for I have 5 processes, I want few environment variables to be accessed by Process1 only and should not be accessed by other processes.   Thanks.

Web-application Spy

Hi, when I am trying to spy the web-application for the certain text I am able to spy the value correctly but in the attribute parameters value it is showing as "javascript:runReport()". Because of this my process always failing. can you please h...