09-07-24 06:53 AM
We encountered an error "Login failed for user:" while getting the Batch Metadata in Decipher. We've been troubleshooting this issue for the past weeks but could not get it to work.
Has anyone encountered this issue and any solution?
10-07-24 08:37 AM
Looks like credentials are incorrect to what was entered during installation. With correct credentials it works and does not throw this error
10-07-24 09:20 AM
Hi Tejaskumar,
Thanks for the reply.
It was our RPA Lead who installed the decipher for our group, as such I am not sure installation part was it.
Are you referring to the installation of "Install Decipher server" where it needed to have decipher licensing and the
Thanks for the help in advance.
24-07-24 08:50 AM
Hi Aris,
That doesn't look like the Decipher action to get the batch metadata, what object is that from?
Current VBO
24-07-24 10:48 AM
Hi Ben,
Good Day...
Got this from the old decipher template which is pointing to the Object Data - SQL Server. May I have the link to the current VBO? will this be applicable to decipher 2.1?
Thanks for the help.
Aris Villa
24-07-24 10:55 AM
Hi Aris,
Unfortunately I can't give you a direct link as you have to accept the license terms before getting to the downloads page. But follow these steps and you should find it:
These should give you the necessary actions. If these still don't work, it may still be an access issue with the credential.
01-08-24 07:14 AM
Hi Ben,
Thanks for the help. We have resolved the credential issue. Decipher is using the windows authentication when accessing the decipherdb, as such giving access to the user (interactive machine) solved the issue.
Warm Regards,
Aris Villa