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How launch macro VBA from BluePrism ?

Level 3
Hello, I need to automate some actions in Excel as : - Change data source of a pivot table - Launch "Calculate Sheet" - Extends formula - Change filter data - Rename Worksheet By delay worries and lack of experiences on blueprism, can you tell me how can i do to launch a macro VBA from BluePrism ? if you know a quick way to implement these functions, can you tell me ? Thank you, With regards

Level 3
I have a excel file which have details of passenger for booking trains. I have a Data variable in which filter column name specified. I want to filter the passenger details with respective to column name specified in the data variable. for example if my data variable having value as ""Gender"" then passenger details would be filter with Gender.

Level 3
Well when i click on launch, i open my file manually then i execute my program for simulate a clic which enable macro, it works. How can i do to include this into a program ? There are solutions that i've tried : Create instance --> Show --> Open file => Not connected. Launch --> Show --> Open file => I have two windows. I think i need to attach my window name. But i don't know why when i open my file with the process the name of the windows is never the same. So i can't attach it ""My file - Excel 08FF9389389R838F"" ""My file - Excel 490R803800858300"" instead of ""My file"" Have you got a solution for my problem ? Thanks, With Regards, KG