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Forum Posts

Global Send Keys - Inputs Set automatically turns 'No'

Dear Blue Prism community,At the Business Object level within the Navigate Stage I am trying to apply Global Send Keys action. Every time I insert Value for the Inputs without setting the Interval, the Inputs Set automatically turns 'No' and the acti...

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Wait stage in Chrome is not working properly

Wait stage in Chrome is not working properly,I am using BP6.6 version.Spy login user name and password, it highlight properly, but in run  wait stage not response properly.------------------------------Amit Kumar------------------------------

Regex to replace brackets

Decipher reads value from a field which is a monetary value and can be negative sometimes. For whatever reason, money datatype had a low confidence level so I am using Text datatype and it is reading accurately with full confidence. Example of value:...

Resolved! Insert New Column at required position in Collection

Hi @devneetmohanty07I just found a code in C# on this Threadwhich helps in Inserting a New Column before last column of collection. When I tried this code, the result am getting as Empty Output Collection.As I can see by your previous threads, that y...

Java Application crashing in spy mode

Hello everyone!I am trying to use the application modeller with a java based application. I have already installed JAB and checked it works just as the Blue Prism Java Access Brisge Guide indicates.The application modeller launches the java applicati...

Interact New feature

Hello,In just concluded BP vision and roadmap webinar, I noticed the content mentioned in snapshot Does this \content also means that once inputs are triggered through interact form- it will also trigger the process instead of adding the item in Queu...

Neel1 by MVP
  • 1 replies

Get completed batch - False

Hi team,We are trying to install the decipher server in the separate machine. previously we configured blueprism and decipher server in the same server. so now we are trying to install in separate server. In the new server the get completed batch is ...

Como automatizar un Robot?

Cordial SaludoQuisiera saber  como puedo hacer para automatizar un Robot en diferentes cortes.Es decir que se ejecute solo a las 10am, 2pm y 4 pm.